We had a big snow storm last night...about 8-12 inches of snow accumulation down in the valley. A few weeks ago this would've totally bummed me out, but today was different. The sun was shining all day, and it just didn't seem as cold even though the thermometer would suggest otherwise. It's also the end of February, and we should be back to 50 degrees by the end of the week. So in other words...no worries.

The snow was too wet and deep to ride up in, so we decided to take the Timberline Road climb. The streets back in town were wet and slushy, but were in great shape up on the hill. My legs felt great! Taking a few days off the bike (and eating like a horse) certainly does recharge your batteries.

When we got to the top, Todd decided to give a little foot path in the snow a try. The snow was too deep and soft, and he sunk down in. He had to climb back out to the road on foot. We decided to ride back down the road a ways and try another trail.
When we got to the other trail, Todd once again charged into the snow, only to find that once again, it was not rideable. Dammit! We wanted to play in the snow today! We parked the bikes in the snow bike rack and contemplated our next move.

The girls had an interesting idea. One that I decided not to participate in. Barbara, Sandie, and Kristy (pictured left to right) jumped into the snow and started making snow angels! After the artwork was completed, Sandie decided to hurl a snow ball at Todd. Todd informed Sandie that she threw like a girl, and that's when the snow ball melee broke out.

It was time to get going, so we went back down to the bike path. At the lower elevation, the snow was quite rideable. We took a couple sections of packed, snowy single track before finally ending up back in town. What a great day!
oh my god! that looks like so much fun!
Did you throw snowballs at the chick's heads as hard as you could from a foot away like in Dumb and Dumber?
Even though I am dumb and even dumberer than most people, I chose not to point blank the girls. Although it was the first thing that crossed my mind!
When you're not hung like one you should at least eat like one.
Hello - I AM a girl! Sadly, several snowballs were thrown by me and not one made contact. It is a miracle I can ride a bike.
You know, Potter. You have a blogger ID now...you don't have to post anonymous!
What do you mean? I was anonymous!
Touche Kristy. By the way, here is the link you asked for.
It's ok honey. The article says, the real issue isn't that it's too small, you just have low self-esteem.
Ok you wisenheimers, that's enough! Remember that I am the administrator of this blog. I can moderate comments and even remove contributors. I'm a very powerful man.
And besides, it just looks small in proportion to my giant quadriceps. For example, take a look at THIS PICTURE. Notice the Chevy S-10 blazer looks small in comparison to the larger dump truck, but in reality the blazer is a roomy SUV with room for the whole family. Remember...proportions.
"and we should be back to 50 degrees by the end of the week" - lucky bastards!
Maybe you could ride this to change our perception.
i had to come back here again to look at those neat pictures...
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