On the RR Grade I was surprised to find that it was a little easier pedaling up the hills, as long as I charged them with a little speed. The front of the bike felt so much lighter than my mountain bike. This bike just wanted to fly up them. It was kind of exhilarating! I didn't realize how much difference a couple of pounds make on a climb. Felt like I was on my road bike, kinda sorta. I also found that I needed to balance a bit more, to get my momentum going on steeper sections of the trail. Usually, I would just down shift but that wasn't an option. I did miss my suspension a little bit on rocky sections, however I don't know that I would want to add any weight on the front. I really liked the front light. I even climbed a couple of hills, that I rarely make on my Stumpy. Amy and I had so much fun we decided to do the route again, as the rest of the lunch bunch went back to the office. We also ran into Kathy and Mike while on the ride, it was good to see them!
I had a blast! I can't wait to get my own.
You kicked ass on that bike! I asked Jeff today when he showed up on it how he pried it out of your hands - did he bribe you with chocolate?
I was feeling good that day for sure! After that ride I told Jeff he could look for a new bike. Lucky for him it is a little big for me. The Inbred is a really fun ride! I hope we can build one for me with a similar feel.
It is about 4 lbs. lighter than my Stumpy. I guess it's just lighter in all the right places.
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