Micky from the Bike Smith was launching himself off the rock drop off on the creek trail several times, just to barely miss a tree, and eventually he landed on the trail.

My most memorable and positive experiences have included a spill here and there. Whether I am going over the bars into the " Look, now I'm a Jogger" mode, or I see my close friend wipe out as he tries to pass and a less than perfect location. Think of Sandie, and how she broke her ankle and kept riding.

Falling is really the great equalizer. And if we get off the hook with minor scratches or even major wounds, as long as we survived, it has made us stronger. Over time its just another story that makes us all smile or laugh.
About a year after I lost my spleen after hitting a tree on a mt. bike ride, one of the guys who was there, who saved my life (twice in the same day! ) was bagging on me. He was imitating the the sound I made after hitting the tree. ooooh! Oooooooooh! Nooooooo! Go Ahead! I'm gonna walk back to the car ooooooooooh! Really, it was the funniest thing in the world. It turned the whole thing around. Like Kathy's husband. ( sorry I forgot your name) but I remember the story. Big head plant fall at the Leadville 100 and being so out of your head you were giving the "sailors language" version of the accident to a bunch of little kids.
Or Jeff M. explaining how the wind blew his tire over when he fell off the jump with a big smile and dirt in his teeth. Falls are good. They make us better. They teach us. As long as no one dies or gets permanently disabled, they make the best rides ever. In fact they are the most inspirational rides. I ride my lunch break so I can carry that message to my relationships and my workplace.
I dedicate this post to you Todd. We are going to miss you now that you are transferring to a job south of town. Your wipe out was a great memory! Nice leg-eggbeater action. I will always refer to the top of Jackrabbit as "The place where Todd wiped out" in your honor.
Yep. Crashes are definitely learning opportunities. It is funny how we can laugh at them later, after the pain, misery, and woe has faded. For example, I didn't think THIS was very funny at first. It hurt at the time of impact, and my finger hurt for weeks after. Now it's hysterical, and I learned that filming with only your left hand on the bars is a stupid thing to do.
Sometimes you get cool prizes for crashing that make it worthwhile too!
Love that video. The Ooh! at the end really does it for me. Hilarious
One of the guys here while riding by himself (not a good idea) fell on a lower water road crossing that had some moss on it (another bad idea). Broke his hip bone and laid in the creek for an hour and a half before he was found. Maybe falling down is under rated, but so is riding by yourself. This is brought to you from Texas as one of the old Facility riders.
Bill, I hope that guy is ok. What you survive only makes you stronger/smarter.
Todd and I once carried Bill down a ravine after he hyper extended his leg. The lesson learned? Don't make jokes with the EMT unless you're prepared for a $4000 helicopter ride!
Crap, you guys are hard core! I'm too cautious...
Oh I wouldn't say hard core! Unlucky or untalented maybe... Or sometimes just doing something that seemed like a very good idea at the time...
Let's not forget Kristy's Sunday tumble in the Pinenuts...
A friendship with Jeff and Amy P. came out of Kristy's crash. It was not in vain!
True dat...
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