Or so it would seem. There have been a few losses in the past week. Sandie started off the streak of bad luck last Friday when she got some air off the jump at the terminus of the Jackrabbit trail, and blew out her rear shock. Coincidentally, this is the same jump that Marcus broke his swing arm on. These two are hardcore!
Last night Kristy loaded her bike on the top of the car and drove off without the front wheel....something some of us have done, or have certainly almost done. We realized the mistake when she picked me up from work, and drove back to where she left the wheel. Someone picked it up after only 15 minutes! Wheel, tire, and skewer...gone.
Today Todd came into a corner pretty hot, utilizing that "I just can't lose!" traction I mentioned above. Unfortunately he did lose traction, and he went over the bars and rang his bell. He also ripped the brake lever out of the master cylinder, damage he has done in the past which cost him $60 to repair. He was none to happy about this to say the least. I have the same brake levers, the carbon Hayes HFX9's. Great feel, but don't hold up too well in a crash evidentially.
Maybe it's time to make more Mojo...
Yeah, what about the local FBC members? We never got any mojo!
Local FBC riders that asked me for Mojo = Zero
Everyone who asked got one!
Might have to make another batch...
Maybe I shouldn't feel too bad about not riding much these days.
groovy pic. just up the street from me house.
You know, every once and awhile, GM makes a lemon.
Maybe its time to take a look at your Mojo production and see if someone isn't pulling their weight.
You have to love the kind and considerate person who took Kristy wheel. I'm sure they are out posting flyers on telephone poles with pictures of the wheel and a phone number to call.
Yeah, right!
I'm sure I'll catch hell for this one but... I believe carbon fiber parts only belong on MTBs if the rider is a sponsored racer. They break too easy in crashes and are expensive to replace. If you can afford it, more power to ya. I'll stick with parts that can survive a bump or two.
That said... there does seem to be a run of bad luck that will pass eventually. I have been thinking seriously about having a spare rear shock on hand. This is the second time we've had to send a shock back for service.
side note... FBC members should have automatically received the Mojo for the sake of the entire group. Just a thought.
Love ya!
Bad luck runs in spurts. Your group should be good for a while.
If I get another MTB someday it will be hardtail, hard front, canti brakes. Nothing expensive to break.
It wasn't the carbon part that broke! The little metal piece that pushes the button on the master cylinder popped out. It's like a ball and socket joint, but it doesn't seem to pop back in. I agree though...I'm not a big fan of carbon fiber...even on road bikes. My carbon forks scare me. My road seat post made a crackling noise when I tightened it. Having said that, the carbon levers on my Kula feel awesome!
Steel is Real.
On to mojo bags. I can't go wiping people's butts all the time. If you want one, just say! I was actually kind of sad that none of you guys wanted one... We'll make another batch after we move. Just got another request from Texas too...
Chris - rigid single speeds are great to have when you see the high tech parts start breaking!
oldman - Kristy put out reward fliers in the neighborhood where the wheel went missing. If we don't get any honest people, we'll buy a new wheel.
Jeff, if the post made that noise you need to replace it. I have a carbon fiber rear triangle, fork and post on the Masi. Doesn't make me nervous... until I crash it. The thing to remember is not to tighten that post like other materials. It will stay in place with less pressure and will fracture with too much. Also you prolly should not clamp it in your work stand. :earned that from our man Dan.
I am so funny. I actually combed the neighborhood today asking door to door if anyone had seen my wheel. Just thought by chance I may find it. So far no luck. Stupid mistakes always seem to cost $$$. Darn it. On the brighter side...I may get a lighter, faster, more powerful set up. Cool!
Squirrel meets carbon fork
I'm not too worried about seat post failure...only a little bit sticking out of the top tube...not like a mountain bike...
i'm saving up all my allowance to outfit all me rides with carbon fibre bottle cages.
We're supposed to wipe our butts with the Mojo bags? Jeez I think I'll stick to tp.
Are you sure? They're velvety! Ok I apologize for the buttocks comment, but I'm just saying, the instructions were pretty simple. If you want one, ask! Pretty good deal considering the time and effort to make all those things...
I love you, Jeff. And I'm not just sayin that. I'll take two...
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