Wouldn't it be cool if there was a tour you could participate in? One where nobody cared if you showed up without your bike and just drank beer all day? If by now you are saying, "That's crazy talk, Jeff!", you'd be absolutely wrong.
New Belgium Brewing Company's Tour de Fat rolls into Truckee, CA this Saturday, July 28th. The event kicks off with a quick bike ride through town, and then spends the rest of the day at the park. New Belgium will have a wide assortment of beers available on tap while you listen to music, watch side shows, or ride one of the many freak bikes.
If you can stand viewing a MY SPACE page, there is one for the Tour de Fat HERE.
If you are unable to attend, or are looking to see if the Tour comes closer to you, check HERE.
Here's a movie we took from the 2005 event.
Hope to see you there!
My kind of tour!
i think we're having one of those down here as well.
I see the ads for this all of the time in Dirt Rag and it looks like a ball. Wish I had the time to come out and participate.
I think I could win the Yellow Jersey in this event! :^)
Love the Fat Tire Ale too.
I'll be there. Let's be sure to meet up. I'm supposed to police the parade for RenoBikeProject. I'll be the guy on the bianchi san jose slapping the beer cup out of your hand. (we can't have drinking and riding!)
Lauren, you missed it...it was in SF last weekend!
I'll keep an eye out for you, Wolfy. We brought our cruisers last time, but that was back in the day when I had a truck. Might have to bring the On One single speeds this time. That might be hip enough for this event.
I hope they have the Chinaman's Hat for sale again this year. I regret not buying one last time. I think one would suit me quite well.
I wish I could be there!
Jeff, try the 1554 and Blue Paddle. I thought about going to the SF edition, but didn't. If it would have been in Berkeley or Oakland, I'd have grabbed the kids and the trailer and headed out.
Jerome, you seem to be "beer deprived" up there in Canada from some of the comments you make. What's the deal with that? Is there a distribution problem? Or maybe you just have a whole bunch of beers that we haven't tried...
Smudgemo, If I remember correctly I've tried the Fat Tire, Springboard, Skinny Dip, Mothership Wit, 1554, and the Blue Paddle. But if I have the 1554 or Blue Paddle, which is more than likely, I will be sure to toast you!
Sandie and I are likely going bikeless this year. Madison is in a triathlon that morning so we'll miss the ride portion of the event. We will not, however, miss the beer drinking portion...
We are beer deprived in Canada! I grew up thinking that Canada had the better beers, but that's no longer true. Our national brand beer, Canadian, Labatt, etc... I think pack a little punch (alcahol level) than say Miller or Bud, but we lack the micro-brews that open up new markets to distinct tasting beers. Last weekend, I saw a Hefewizen on the menu for the first time in Canada. Went to order it...sorry, we no longer carry that beer! Major distribution issues, but I think it's also that people here just aren't into beer as much. It makes travel so sweet....
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