We're at that time of year when the weather can fluctuate between winter and summer. I had already stowed my winter gear for the season, but had to pull it out again for yesterday's ride. We surfed the edge of the storm as we traveled through the foothills at lunch. The snow never made it to town, but was clearly visible not too far from us. It had rained the previous night, and the dirt conditions were reminiscent of early spring. Traction in the deep sand and slippery corners was awesome.

The weather after work was actually more pleasant. The cold wind was gone, and riding well into the evening was quite enjoyable. We did a couple loops on the new trail and I got to use the bridges for the first time. Bridges are a funny thing when riding across them. While not a technical challenge really, they can be visually challenging. The sight of the rushing creek below the bridge psyched me out. It might as well have been liquid hot magma down there. The guys smoothed out the transition from trail to bridge, and I was able to get the nerve to go for it. As expected it was quite easy. Looking across the bridge to the other side where you want to go is very important too. Focusing on the bridge itself or the rushing water below will surely drag you to where you are looking!
Why with the picture of the fat person riding the bridge? Caution! the bridge has been dangerously stressed!
It actually collapsed in a thunderous roar seconds after snapping the photo, sending splintered bridge fragments and rider into the drink. A new military grade,reinforced steel suspension bridge has been erected in its place. You could probably even drive a fully armored Humvee over it now.
bridges are hard for me too. i tend to look off the edge.
and you know what happens when you're looking somewhere that you're not supposed to.
the weather sounds nice. rain in the summer reminds me of back east.
He ain't heavy,that's Bob's brother.
If you took the bridge and laid it on flat ground, you wouldn't think twice about riding over it. Suspend it 3 feet above the ground, and all of a sudden it's scary. There's no better way to make yourself feel like a sissy than to have all your buddies coaxing you across a 2 1/2 foot wide plank.
What's even scarier is looking down when crossing a bridge and seeing sharks with friggin' laser beams.
Yep...Austin Powers was on the DVD player the morning I wrote this!
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