Sunday, October 22, 2006

Buffalo Canyon Loop

Today Kristy and I did a ride out in the Pine Nut Mountains just a few miles to the Southeast of our house. It's been a popular place for dirt bikes for many years, so there are tons of fun trails for mountain bikes. The first five miles was on singletrack, and then we got to the entrance of Buffalo Canyon.

After posing for a self portrait, we were on our way again.

Buffalo Canyon is a long steady climb up an off camber jeep road. The rocks, ruts, and washouts make the climb interesting.

We stopped for a Clif Bar and water break along Pine Nut Creek. It was totally relaxing listening to the little creek. Until... We were tucked away from sight in a little stand of sagebrush. A pickup truck full of kids came flying down the road, slid into the corner, and then gassed it hard into the creek, sending gravel our direction! There was no way they could've seen us, so it was hard to get mad. It was however a big contrast to the complete and total relaxation from just a couple moments before.

As we were shooting this last picture a man came walking out of the hills. We talked to him for a good while, and he turned out to be a local artist. He'd been up hiking looking for rocks and other treasures. We talked about the Carson Valley for a bit, and then we were on our way.

We made the long descent back to the car, and then headed to Carson City for Beer and BBQ. We scarfed down a huge mug of beer, and a large helping of ribs, chicken, and sausage! Obsidian Stout is just wonderful this time of year!

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