My first ever post on a blog! Well, Todays weather was beautiful. Slight breeze and sunny skies. We met at SC and hit the road with Scott, Patrick, Sandie and me ( Marcus). I must say that Sandie led quite the charge up the paved road. I was thinking - does she have a meeting to get to? But I think she just had a lot of energy. On the initial pedal up the pavement, were deciding where to go. Scott and I were kinda clueless, as we don't know the trail names, so we left it up to Patrick, who wanted to take the 123 with the water tower (or something like that up), and then the upper, middle and lower postal on the way down. Scott hung with our blistering pace up to the water tower and then announced he was going to turn around. All I can say is it was great to see you there Scott! As crazy as it sounds, if you keep it up, the climbs are just as much fun as the descents! Hope to see you again for tomorrows ride.
As usual, the ride was sprinkled with interesting conversation. I found out that Patrick lives and works right downtown. Whadda life! And Sandie broke her ankle on the middle postal route. Which brings me to my next topic. Now, with all respect to Jeff P. Who is one of the grooviest guys I have met in recent history, and who of course, deserves to make all decisions regarding the trails he has made... I think we should change the name of Middle Postal Route to something like " Sandies Ankle" or "Sandies Folly" or " Sandies High Speed Wipeout Trail"

So, yes, as the new guy, I am emboldened by the power of the Blog, and use it to state my case...
If others agree, and of course Jeff P agrees to relenqiush the mild named " Middle Postal Route" To something spicey and filled with lore, then lets agree to make it so!
Well, I was unable to load the pics from flickr.. Sorry gang! not sure what happened there.
I sent you the instructions in an email. You nearly had it...you were linking to the image page rather than the image itself.
Actually, the trail is broken into a few sections. Each with it's own lore. The upper section (that you didn't ride today) is named Baldy Green. The 1st section is named The Deer Run. The Deer Run leads to the Postal Run. The Postal Run connects to Jackrabbit. Jackrabbit connects to the bike path. There are some good stories behind each name. Maybe there could just be a memorial corner or bush patch or hillside. Sandie even named that trail the Postal Route before she took a digger on it!
Well alrighty then. i was unaware of the colorful names of the other trails. Since they already have some sort of history, I agree that we leave them untouched. There is that tree there at the bottom of the postal route that we always stop at to regroup. Perhaps we should think of some sort of memorial name for that meeting point that refrences Sandies ankle...
Jeff is just jealous cos I already have a corner so he does not want me to have a trail too.
Whatever is what I have to say to that!
Thanks Marcus, you are alright.
I suggest we rename the Postal Route: Sandie Goes Postal.
Potter - that is brilliant!
I say that is the most excellent combo, giving wieght to both the dramatic event that happened upon the trail, and acknolegement to the trails builder at the same time. Hence forth, let it be written and let it be said, that the trail formerly know as the postal route, shall now be know as " Sandie Goes Postal" All in favor say "Aye"!
I am totally in favor
Oi! So the ayes have it! :) Congrats Sandie! A worthy and noble Memoir of your ankles suffering. I will now stand off my soap box and resume my mundane existence....
Shoot, I haven't even had a speck of dust or a pile of sheep droppings named after me.
I'm going to have blaze orange jerseys made that say "Jeff's Friend" on the back, and you'll all be required to wear them. That'll make me feel important.
Well, honorable organizer, Give it time, you shall go down in the annals of history in a postive light. Just because you have not broken any bones on the trail does not make you less worthy of recognition....
Told you he was jealous
J-Mo,I feel horrible. You deserve respect. Starting today I will honor you every ride with this.
This would be more appropriate.
Avast! Such denigration of my simulacrum!
Tank - Laugh it up buddy! I peed in your water dish last time I was over...
Sandie Goes Postal... that's good. And if y'all had to live with her when she couldn't ride you'd understand just HOW postal...
just kidding, Honey, you did great all things considered.
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